Have any questions about us?
Here you should find answers to popular questions but if not, please use the following link to submit your question. "link"
What payment methods do you accept?
We accept all major/common methods such as Credit cards, Checks, Cash, as well as Zelle, Venmo or PayPal.
Do you work on third-party devices or software?
Indeed we do. We understand that every business are Frankenstein'd together by multiple IT vendors but we are here to tame them all.
Do I have to wait long for service appointments or for someone to respond to my service tickets?
Absolutely not, our methods from customer intake to delivering services are tried and trued and helps us in our goal of being there for our customers.
How do I get support with our system?
There are many ways of reach us, simply choose the option the most convenient for you and one of our associates will respond.
Do you have a helpdesk ticket system?
Yes, and it's as easy as sending an E-mail; no annoying logins or multiple options to select.